WHY do you need a website?
If you run a business you have to think about how a website can fit into your business plans.
Is it going to support your business goals in any way, does it help you to get more customers?
What problems are there to overcome in building a website?
Do you want to build your own site or just work on the content rather than the technical specification?
Build Your Own Website
Where is your website?
No, not where it is on the Internet, that comes later
The thing you need to do is look at your total business plans.
Is the site part of a marketing campaign of just an addition to your business.
Or is it even your main business, or just to provide you with some extra income…
Is it just information you are going to put up there or is it to give you extra revenue from the site.
You can even think about just supporting your customers on-line to give better service.
How many visitors do you expect?
Is your market big enough to build a website?
You want some visitor to your site right?
So you need to asses if there is a market big enough for your website.
What do You expect from your site?
Do you want a large number of visitors? How much traffic do you want?
How much you want to make money-wise?
Just make sure you can monitor the aspects of your site.
That is the only way to get a site that will live up to your expectations!
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