Theming? You mean Joomla SEO Template, right?
Wrong, I really mean Theming your Joomla site. Theming here is about the way you structure your website to show the real main topic of your website.
You do have the main topic, don't you…
So let's see what you can do to improve the “Theme” of your website.
It all starts with finding the right keywords for your website, do some research on finding related topics for your main content.
Write those keywords done on a piece of paper, or in a spreadsheet.
I tend more to using a spreadsheet since I can then just copy and paste my keywords into columns an sort them very easy.
But for other people, the choice for paper is a more valid one, since you can easily draw lines between related items.
Theming your website is also called LSI and Joomla with it's so-called inflexible content structure is actually great for theming your site.
Joomla SEO Structure Theming
Theming with keywords is simple, just look at the subject of your website and think about what the main subjects of your topic are.
For example, take a look at WordPress, a free blogging platform and a simple CMS system.
For WordPress, there are three main topics, WordPress usage, WordPress Themes (templates), WordPress Plugins and WordPress widgets.
Once you know these main subjects, you can see that a website about WordPress will need at least four menu items that will reflect the main topic.
If you go to a website about WordPress that ranks well for “WordPress” you will see the first once of course be and
Tip: Do a search in Google for your main keyword and look at the bottom of your search results page, Google shows you “Searches related to”. Write those searches down, since those are the keywords that Google thinks are Topic related!!
The other sites you can find on that topic do have more to do about WordPress themes since these are the most linked to site via promo-links and because most people will search that first, just like most people will search for Joomla Templates.
Content and Menu structure
If you have found the keywords you want to use, create a section in Joomla that will hold the categories with that topic.
For WordPress, you could create a section “WordPress” and then put categories in there like “WordPress Themes”, “WordPress Plugins”, “WordPress Widgets” and “WordPress manual”.
You can then create a menu “WordPress” and create menu items that will show you the category content. Name those menu items just like the categories.
You are now ready to start putting content into those categories and build your website.
Search engines will recognize the structure and put you into the WordPress search results pages and other terms.
How well you will do is, of course, depending on how well you write and how competitive your market is.
But with the right Theming setup, you will notice that ranking well is much easier to do than without Joomla SEO Theming.
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