If you have your own website or publish your thoughts through blogging, there is one thing You really need to set-up.
Get a possibility to track Your visitors!
For basic tracking I find http://www.statcounter.com/ a great free service, it tracks One Hunderd page views for you with all kinds of stats.
Afcourse you can always pay to increase your tracking possibility's, but for starters this basic tracking is great.
An other possibility is Google analytics, it is free and gives your great statistics as well!
But why track your visitors?
Because You want to know how you get your visitors and what they read.
If you find that some posts attrack more readers, you know more about the topics your visitirs are intrested in.
So You then get a better knowledge on how to please your “customers”.
Also you will see on what keywords your work is found in the Search Engines.
Analysis of those well ranking keywords can also give you a better understanding on how to boost your visibility in those search eninges!
So you see, the little effort you put in, you give you a wealth of information to improve your Blogging.
Online Marketing says
Thanks for bringing this up, I can say that stat counter really helps a lot in giving a lot of ideas on what kinds of topic my visitors are looking for!! I really love using this tool.