If you have read this Blog for a Longer period of time (or have gone through the Sitemap..:-)) you might have read about the DS Syndication Component in my post Overcoming the Joomla RSS Feed Problem Well, there is a new version of this component since August of this year and I must say it is better then before! Putting in multiple categories in to one Feed. Not limited to the Frontpage any more.. choose to show HTML, Images or not in your Feed, using your special images. You can create multiple feeds with different categories and different images for the feeds. There is also a module that can show each of these feed images to subscribe to or just the ones you selected Running your Feeds through Feedburner I always like to run my Feeds via Feedburner, because they have some great options! So for my new website a used the DS Syndication component to get two separate Feeds And I have written a Tutorial for you on how to use the DS Syndication Component and where to find it! You can find it on Improve you Joomla RSS Feed and if you don't know why you should have Feeds? Read Why Every website should have a Feed
Running Your RSS Feed through Feedburner
After creating a Feed, for Joomla, WordPress or Drupal website or Blog, you should run it though FeedBurner!
Why? First.. its Free.. but more important are some of the great featurs that come with using this service.
(NB if you want more than the Free options, you can always upgrade your account, but the free ones will do oké for now)
From your Content management system you will get a link that should show you the feed in a xml format.
Copy this link and save it Burn you feed!
Now go to feedburner and login, if you don't have an account yet, create one, as said, its free.
Once you are in there you can create a “New Feed” mostly there is a nice link almost at the bottom that says “Burn a feed right this instance”
Paste your Feed xml URL into the field below that sentence!
Once you have done that, activate the Feed.
Next.. what options to use and how to use them
Overcoming the Joomla RSS Feed Syndication problem
If your use Joomla as a Blog, or if you just want one section of your site to setup as a Blog, you might have run into some trouble.
You want a feed to go with your Blog… but the standard Syndication Component of Joomla is to limited….
The Standard RSS Feed problem of Joomla
No, I don't mean the integration of Feed content into Joomla pages, there are several components that can do that very well.
That's a topic to write about some other time.
We are now facing a bigger problem, and that is getting your content out of your Joomla Blog section into a Feed reader.
And possible with all the layout of your page, including pictures, hyperlinks and paragraph layout.
If you use the standard Syndicate Component, you can set some parameters, but you can only syndicate the front page.
And all off your nicely placed page layout is stripped of all HTML coding one the Feed is created :-(
Leaving you with one big blop of text in the feed that you provide to your readers….
Joomla RSS Feed with Layout and other then the Frontpage
Is it possible? Keeping your post – page layout and using another part of the site for the Feed?
Yes, it can be done, with a special component.
There are two components that let you create a feed other then the Frontpage.
The first on is from Run-Digital and is called RSS Feed manager, and is an easy to use component if you limit the feed content to just a number of introduction words and then the link to the whole page.
The other one is much lesser known… probably because most people just syndicate the Intro.
But what if you want to Feed the whole post content? and with all the layout and stuff…
I that case you need DS-Syndicate from www.joomlafun.com !!
This Component lest you choose if you want a categorie content, or several ones to go into the feed, or just the Frontpage, or both.
But the best part is… the complete layout is still there !! No HTML stripping, just as you wrote it it gets it's way into the Feed.
Now you can create and use your Joomla based Blog with an RSS Feed the way you alway wanted.
And if you still are not ready to use this feature of Joomla, then I suggest you read my post on seo4joomla.wordpress.com