Change the standard Joomla text of the Weblinks component
Most people have the standard text of Joomla weblinks component in the Links page.
"We are regularly out on the web. When we find a great site we list it here for you to enjoy.
From the list below choose one of our weblink topics, then select a URL to visit. "
But what if you want to change this text, where do you go to change this text?
Location of the Text
This text comes from your language file that is located in the languages directory of your Joomla site.
The easiest way to change this text is bij going to you administrators panel > site > language manager > and then choose cthe language file you want to edit.
Af course it needs to be set to writeable…
How to change it
Find the section in this english.php file that says:
/** components/com_weblinks */
DEFINE(‘_WEBLINKS_DESC','We are regularly out on the web. When we find a great site we list'
.' it here for you to enjoy. <br />From the list below choose one of our weblink topics, then select a URL to visit.');
DEFINE(‘_SUBMIT_LINK','Submit A Web Link');
DEFINE(‘_WEBLINK_EXIST','There is a Web Link already with that name, please try again.');
DEFINE(‘_WEBLINK_TITLE','Your Weblink must contain a title.');
(Psst.. its near the bottom of the file….)
Here you can change the first two lines to whatever suits your own needs.