If you are like me, you like to have your Metatags like description and keywords filled with relevant content..
You could have Metatag generators for you website, or overviews of the content with a component like OpenSEF.
But what if you don't use OpenSEF but sh404SEF?
In that case you could register and download the Joomla Metatag component form iJoomla.
But if you just want to see what pages still are in need of content for these Metatags.
In that case there is now a very simple but effective and easy to use modules, with two versions, one for the Joomla 1.0.x versions and for Joomla 1.5…
It is written by Dan Rahmel who also wrote two Books about Joomla!
And it is easy to install.
The module is installed as a normal module, but it is only for the administrator.
That is why it is listed under the Administrator part of the Modules and has to be published and positioned on the cPanel, which means that it will be visible on you administrator homepage (the first one after you login)
After publication you find the items without the Description and Keywords listed on a separate Tab on the Administrators page.
You can download the version you want from JoomlaJumpStart.com where you can even find more information on Joomla and the insights of Dan Rahmel.
There are people who will tell you that Metatags like the Description and Keywords are useless these days.. for Search Engine Optimization that is.
But try to work on writing good solid page descriptions and use just up to a maximum of 10 keywords in the keyword field.
Use the keywords you have used in the page, and in the Title and wait for the next index round of Google.
The Descriptions field mostly show up under you page title and should be written as a small advertisement to bring you the visitors you want.