So you think I have made a wrong update on this Blog, do you?
Well, guess again… it was not my update!
First let me tell you I am a big fan of Netvibes and Feedburner as well, because they both supply great free services for keeping tabs on the Internet moving around.
I even wrote an article on how to Run your Joomla feed through Feedburner
Now for the issue mentioned in the article title, here are some Graphical illustrations of the drop:
Details of the Day Before…
And the Day after the Great Update…
See the difference? I do! There are no more Netvibes subscribers…
Feedburner or Netvibes?
So who is to blame? Feedburner for not picking up the right stats from Netvibes? or Netvibes for not sending the right statistics to Feedburner?
Or are there mayor problems at Netvibes?
It did not take long to find out where the problem resides since Netvibes did indeed do a mayor upgrade on the 23 of April as they said the would.
So now everybody is on Ginger and there are going to be big improvements on the new Netvibes, and yes they did offer their apologies for the Downtime because they run into some unforeseeable technical problems.
But I did not see any remarks in the comments that stated that the feed subscribers count is going the be restored.
In the mean time people are calling on Google, as the new owner of Feedburner about why they do not report the right feed count.
You can read more on the problem at the issues already started in Januari.
Why does it matter that the feed-count is down from an SEO Point of view?
Because Google also looks at the Feed-count to see if there are a lot of followers so they can see if your site is an authority site or note.
And they do own Feedburner… and the Feed count is one item of the Webmaster tools..
Besides that, if you already show a larger count of subscriber numbers, people are more willing to subscribe as well.
Finally I am just hoping they will solve this problem as soon as possible!