First off, search engine friendly is not the same as search engine optimized!
This is something Joost de Valk already wrote about in his post Search Engine Friendly vs Search Engine Optimized
Search engine optimization does go a lot further then making a search engine friendly website, and building a Content Management system for websites that is search engine optimized…, that is just not possible…
What is possible is to look at the search engine friendliness of three popular Open Source CM systems.
Basics for this comparison are the options necessary that are in the system itself and not those things that can by done with Content, Images, Layout or other aspects.
So no info about H1 or H2, no alt or title tags for images and more.
No, you can read here about:
- The possibility to influence the HTML title separate from the content title
- The possibility to use the Metatags like Description and Keywords on individual content items
- Create search engine friendly URLs, preferably with keywords in it, or other wise with as little possible use of parameters like id_?=12 or similar.
For all three system's the comparison is with the following technical hosting specification:
- Linux (UNIX) based hosting
- PHP 4 or PHP 5
- Apache webserver with Mod_Rewrite active
WordPress, Drupal en Joomla
- URL Rewrite is easy to realize with the “Permalink” option, WordPress can set the right .htaccess options in the file if the file is writable. My own mostly used option is to use the custom option /%postname%/ with which the post title is also the URL. You can change the URL by changing the text in the “Post Slug” option.
- Title is naturally the standard title of your post, but you want more control on the option for search engine, that is why your could use the SEO Title tag plugin with just a minor change in your template.
- Metatags in a basic WordPress installation there is no possibility to change the “Description” and “Keywords” per post or page. With the All-in-one-SEO-Pack plugin you will have all these options. You can also change the Title with this plugin, but I like the overview and options that SEO Title tag will give you.
You can use both plugins at the same time if you disable the title rewrite option in All-in-one-SEO-Pack
Tip: Use the optional excerpt function to generate the Meta description, that will also give you better archive pages, since most of the templates use that data for the archive page creation.
- URL rewrite in Drupal you need to use the site configuration option “Clean URLs” that also can change your .htaccess file if it is writable. But that just changes your URL to /node/1/ instead off q=1. And you need more…. That is why you need to install the “pathauto” module and you activate the modules “path” and “pathauto”.
- Title this is just as with the other just the title of your content item, but with the Page Title module you just have a little more control about the title tag, but not a lot.
- Metatags in the standard installation of Drupal this option is also not available, but with the Meta Tags Nodeword module you will get that possibility.
Tip: Set in the Pathauto module in the general settings the option at “Update action” to “Do Nothing” with this option you will later have the possibility to change the title without changing the URL.
Joomla 1.0
- URL rewrite in version 1.0.x of Joomla there is an SEO option in the main configuration screen, a standard htaccess.txt file is included in the package en needs to be renamed to .htaccess. With this option enabled URLs are made on the base of ID numbers like Domain-name/12/25/3/, but here you also want more… that is why you should install a SEF Component like sh404SEF that will give you much better URLs. And it will give you a good 404 error page that will also uses a proper 404 header. (Joomla standard will give an 200 OK and redirects you to the Homepage…)
- Title with the same SEF component you will get the opportunity to use the title alias function for you URL so you can use your normal article title for you optimization. For an optimal use of titles, and also for your menu items, you can use the SEF Patch of Joomlatwork , there is also a paid version that will give you a separate HTML Title option for more control like the WordPress SEO Title plugin.
- Metatags the description and keyword options are already in a standard Joomla incorporated for each article, but not for menu items, you will have to get the above mentioned SEF Patch to use that.
Tip: Choose with any SEF component you use alway the option /category/title and not /section/category/title to get a little shorter URLs. /title/ alone is also a possibility but not as good, because you can run into trouble like things like /Drupal/installation manual.HTML and /WordPress/installation manual.HTML (Drupal en WordPress are here been used as categories)
Joomla 1.5
- URL Rewrite is in Joomla 1.5 done with the SEO settings in your Global configuration, but you have now three options, unfortunately in each of those options, there is always an item ID number in the URL.
- SEF on, will give you directly URLs with the title in it, but with index.php in the URL. (can also be used on windows hosting)
- SEF with the use of .htaccess, this will also give you the URL with title, but than without the index.php
- Use suffix, this options sets a .HTML at the end of your URL
- Attention! Joomla 1.5 uses the title alias, but you have to set the “-” between the words in your URL options, otherwise you will get a %20% in your URL if you leave it blank.
- Title here Joomla will use the standard article title, if your want more control, than you can use the new Joomla 1.5 SEF patch from (Dutchies ;-)) and I have to add here that Richard of Joomlatwork already has stated that the SEF patch will be update with each release until it is in the Joomla core!
If you use the SEF patch you get an extra SEO tab in your configuration screen, don't forget to set the minimal [TITLE] option, otherwise your title will show your URL as title. - Metatags are also like the “old” Joomla version built-in for articles and site wide via your Global configuration. But like with the old version, here is the same advice to get more control use the SEF patch of .
Tip: For both versions of Joomla versions an advice, do not use the Global Metatag settings! With version 1.0.x you will get the text of the Globals on top of the page Metatags which will leave you with pretty much the same Metatags in the search engines as snippets, version 1.5 does this a lot better, and will not fill it with the standard if you use the page description.However is does set this if the page description is empty…
Conclusion: None of the three is out-of-the-box ready as search engine friendly Content Management system. With all three there needs to be done some extra work to realize the desired options.
For me they all have there own usage:
- WordPress works great for smaller websites and even bigger Blogs
- Joomla is fine for SMB websites and, with some extra extensions can be used for bigger sites as well.
Especially the easy and user friendliness is great for less “technical” webmasters. - Drupal can do almost everything, but for me is somewhat staying behind the others because of the lack of user friendliness for those who have the maintain and edit the page content.
But the most important factor in the choice of system is still what your customer wants and the ease of use for him/her… if the site has to become a success, then it must by their website, and to achieve that they have to be able to easily maintain the site themselves!
For search engine optimization…, well, that is why there are specialists, those who will look at the details… and each of them will have there own preferences for a certain system.
O yes, tips and other options… the comments are open :-)
Tracy Phaup says
I’m trying to get Joomla and WordPress set up to work together, both having SEF urls, but I haven’t been able to do it. I realize that both want to use the htaccess and the commands are conflicting, but I haven’t been able to resolve it.
How do you do it?
Hummerbie says
@Tracy Phaup: I use WordPress in a seperate directory and have setup a subdomain for this blog.
In the root directory of Joomla you should use the .htaccess file that comes with the SEF extension you are using.
In the subdirectory you have to make sure that the WordPress .htaccess is created and that the file contains the /blog/ path as the Rewritebase.
You can find more information on my other site
As it seems that you are using MojoBlog on your site, you might want to check out my article on using sh404SEF with MojoBlog on
I hope these will help you sotring things out.
quang ba web says
Great article, for SEO CMS, I’d like WordPress because his code source is more nicely than Joomla. Excerpt option is great for avoid duplicated content in category. Howerver I don’t like the category type of WordPress, but we can use the plugin in “no base catagory”
For Drupal, like it’s difficult to change the title and the meta tags and their hiearchive, then I don’t care much abour this CMS.
Thank for your great article
Mike Law says
I stumbled across this post as I am looking to see if it is possible to run both Joomla and WordPress from the root directory. As Tracy stated, the htaccess files conflict therefore I am not sure if it is possible. Unless you can tell both CMS’s to ignore the others code in the htaccess file somehow?
In regards to your post, I can only compare Joomla with WordPress as I have only dabbled with Drupal. Both are just as good as each other out of the box however once you start plugging components into Joomla it can get a bit messy.
Also in my experience it is harder to find attractive templates for Joomla which are also well optimized. You seem to get on or the other.
Mike Law says
By the way I found this product which although expensive and you can only get a yearly license, seems to do what I need. Have just contacted support to clarify a couple of things.
Hummerbie says
@Mike Law: I read about the corephp component several weeks ago. The yearly license is a drawback for me to start using it, but the component itself does seem to integrate well with Joomla!
At the moment I see more and more templates for Joomla! getting more optimized for loading times and web standards as a year ago so it seems the developers are growing just as Joomla! itself.
Mike Law says
Corephp requires all plug-ins to be modded to work so that ruled that out as an option. I am sure I can just add a rewrite rule to my WordPress .htaccess file which is installed in my root directory to remove /joomla from the URL.
iklan baris gratis says
joomla its better than drupal for seo and made wesite,..
usa used cars says
i try joomla but not good
morgan martin says
I suspect Joomla has way more plugins than those others, but yea, it can get out of hand easily if you install too many. Backup frequently along the way (both files AND db). Joomla is the one for complex portals, and for ease of operation on the admin side (for your clients). Every plugin is a PROJECT in progress, some are active with frequent updates (ie: Fabrik, Community Builder) , some are abandoned projects unfortunately (rsGallery). Those other 2 CMS are not really in the same league, except for basic blog sites, but that’s just my humble opinion, forgive me don’t flame me. The Joomla community is just HUGE and very active, with some amazing programmers for sure. I plan on trying out the other 2 soon as I get a chance, or a project that calls for a blog site, but I don’t see any comparison for portal dev.
morgan martin says
regarding SEO, joomla is a nightmare right now and not for the faint of heart. Look for major seo improvements in Joomla 1.6 but until then…you need either the patches or a number of plugins. (probably not both).
hanum says
Thank’s a lot for info sharing. It’s very useful. Goog review and nice posting ^_^
bikalsh says
It is very difficult to optimize the site build with joomla from search engine optimization point of view.i found the article alias plugins that can be used to use the alias as the page title of the article.I am facing the problem that with virtuemart 1.1.4 stable is when the category name and description is used the same is displayed on the page title and i am looking for the plugins that uses the different page title and meta description in the virtuemart category list.
Herbert-Jan van Dinther says
@bikalsh: You can look at the patch from and the sh404SEF component with the SEF support for Vitruemart active, that will improve your SEO and it you set it right it really works.
bikalsh says
@Herbert: Thanx for your tips.But these are the commercial products for joomla seo extension.I think joomla is no longer the open source cms.
i found the hack for virtuemart search engine optimization which works well for me in
Herbert-Jan van Dinther says
@bikalsh: The SEO Patch has a free version as well, and yes Joomla components are going more and more towards Commercial, sometimes you pay for the download others have a membership fee, but you still get the source code.
Thanks for sharing the links! Should be helpful for others as well.