This might sound strange to people who use the standard Joomla Feed, or work with WordPress, since these Feeds are automaticly found by IE7 and Firefox and some other browsers like Opera..
But the main problem with the standard Joomla RSS Syndication Feed is that it strips all HTML code and only the Frontpage Items are put into the Feed.
So you want to use a Feed component like DS Sycndicate from and give the Feed to your visitors via FeedBurner to make sure it works properly.
But there is one problem with this solution…
There is no Feed line in you index.php..
Here is the solution for this problem:
copy the line < link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”Joomla SEO Blog by” href=”” > to a text editor and replace the Title and Feed URL with your own.
Then you place the corrected line between the < head > and < /head > section of your template index.php file. (Via Joomla's Template Manager)
Save the file and Clean any content caches if you have Cache activated.
Now visit your site with IE7 and look if your RSS feed shows up!!
More info? Check Microsoft Team RSS Blog !
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