If you have read several topics on Search Engine Optimization, you will find that the term “Keywords” is used to indicate several different items of SEO.
- Metatag keywords
- Search keywords
- Targeted keywords
And the latter is what I am going to give you some extra inside information on, and it will show you how easy it is if you really want to boost your sites ranking for your mayor keyword that you are targetting.
Optimizing your site structure
First things first… do your keyword research and find the topics related to your website main topic.
Then reorganize your site structure to reflect that relations.
So if you would create a website about, well lets say eheh… Joomla! then you know it will be very difficult to rank for the search term Joomla! itself.
But there are a lot of keywords related to Joomla, like Templates, Components, Modules, Plugins, Mambots.
See how these terms kan create a cluster of keywords?
Here is an image of elliance infographics that shows it all:
And the best part is… Joomla will actually force you in to structure it the right way, if you do you keywords research!
You see, where may people think of the rigid structure of Joomla for placing content is a bad thing, it is actually a great thing for SEO.
In Joomla you have to set up a structure in Section, Categories and Items which is pretty simple as you can read on Understanding the Joomla structure
But clustering you keywords in categories within the a section is the best keyword cluster you can create!
In a more diffecult term this is called LSI, Latent Semantical Indexing which is covered in Joomla and LSI for SEO
So if you really want your site to rock in the search engines, get your keywords together, create categories for them and start writing your content items accordingly…
Oh, one more thing… if you are going to restructure you Joomla site, make sure you 301 redirect your old URLs to the new ones!
Placing your Keywords in Joomla!
To get your keywords into your Joomla! articles you need to open the Metatags section on the left of you article writing screen:
You will most likely see a screen with lesser options, as this screen is taken from a website that allready has the Joomlatwork.com SEF Patch installed, which I highly recommend.
You will have a field called Meta Tag Keywords and that is where you place your keywords. Make sure those keywords are also in the text of the article and keep them limited to a maximum of 10.
Also be aware the Google doesn't use these Meta keywords to index your pages but other search engines still use them.
There is a place for Keywords in your Global configuration screen, my advice… don't use that option…
Joomla! will use that data on every article where you don't use the Meta Data fields in your articles and thus giving the search engines the same values over and over again.
You can check if this happens with your website by searching Google with the term “site:www.example.com” ( without the ” ” and replace example.com with your own domain name)
Goran Giertz - Website Marketing says
Thank you for the information. Which keyword research tool would you recommend that I use. I have been told about Wordtracker, Wordze and Keyword Discovery.
Have an exseollent 2008
Pathos says
@Goran: I would start with Wordtracker and if you want to run it from your own pc, there are a lot of options like keywordelite or IBP SEO
Michelle says
Can also give keywordspy a try.KeywordSpy.com is a Keyword Research Tool that helps identify what keywords competitors use, with results actually reflecting what advertisers are using at the current time. – http://www.keywordspy.com
Peter T says
Thank you so much for sharing your insight. I’ve been searching for relevant information about keywords to make my Joomla site more effective.
Dora says
I’m indeed getting more search engine traffic than before. Thanks for the tip!
Olga says
Thank you for the article! Will try to improve the site…
Herbert-Jan van Dinther says
@Olga: You really need some longer titles that are more focussed on the customers you want. I do love the game graphics you create!
islami sohbet says
It is not enough, the article does not tell us the way we can add desc and keywords to Joomla??
Joseph says
currently the URL reads:
and I would like to change it to:
but must use sh404sef
Herbert-Jan van Dinther says
@Ismali: In your content editor you have a menu on the right side of the screen where it says Meta Info. There you will find the fields you need to edit.
@Joseho: Yse, to do that you need a SEF Component like sh404SEF.
Tropical fish says
I have to get these airbalons ;-) Good and helpful post, thanks for that!
Herbert-Jan van Dinther says
@Tropical Fish: If you find them, please let me know…. In the mean time check this post
http://herbertvandinther.com/how-search-engines-help-finding-keywords/ to find out where your balloons are in the search engines.
Ohne Schufa says
I guess I did it till now the “hard way” not the “smart way” :-(
Thank you for enlighting me :-)
Ellan Botsford says
Very usefull post can i have your permision to translate into German for my blogs viewers? Thanks
icat says
I don’t think joomla is better than wordpress, because I have 2 websites, one is joomla another is wordpress, they has same numbers of article but I feel google like WP more