I recently came across a post of Alledia about this new Joomla Cache Component.
And since I want you to have a really good performing website I checked it out for you.
It blew me away…
Point is that you can speed up your website by using the cache funtion of Joomla itself and thus gaining some speed in loading you pages.
This component is going to boost your performance (page loading time that is) not simple by 0ne or two percent… no you see loading times drop by double digits percentages!
But there are some things you need to know before installation:
- The speed gain is for not-logged-in users, that means the visitors to your site, not the members!
- Some Core files are hacked, but the installation makes backup files and there is an uninstall option
- You get a text “Powered By Page_Cache by Ircmaxell” under the Footer of you site, but for just $10 dollar you can buy a license file that takes that away… or hack the component code yourself, which is also okay by the developer (You got to Love this Guy..)
Installing the component
Installation of the component is pretty easy, you just create or copy a few extra files and change permissions on them before installation.
First create these files or copy them from the originals and rename them
Then upload those to your root and administrator directory via FTP, or JoomlaXplorer.
Change the persmission on the originals and the just oploaded files to 707 (my favorite instead of 777)
Now you are ready to install, you can do that just like any normal component via your controlpanel.
Configuration of the Cache
Setting up the configuration after installation is also very easy.
Just open the Configuration of the component and set the options you want.
Just make sure you put in you cache directory and that it is writable, you can use the joomla standard and fill in “cache/”, don't forget the trailing “/”.
Its up to you if you want to have the loading time shown as well below the “Powered by” field.
Leave the rest to the standard which will works fine for most of your websites.
The Real Benefits and the Extra Bonus
Af course you want to know about the results..
Well, my home page on www.pathos-seo.com went from a loading time of 1.2 seconds to 0.07 seconds from the cached version and I allready used the standard Joomla cache!
Which you should leave on for your members!!
But the best results was with one of my customers..
They are using the Virtuemart component with a productscoller on the Frontpage.
The products always took some time to load so the scroller part was not filled for about 1 to 2 seconds.. now it is up with the rest of the page in under 0.5 seconds.
One of the bigger issues was that if they update the site, that was also using the Joomla cache, they did not see the update results because the frequently forgot to clear the cache an then relaod the page…
The newly installed component clears the cache if you hit “save”… thus making the changes directly visible! No more mails and Phone calls about not seeing the updates..
Some other results that are reported on the Forum:
Mambohut reported 0ver 97% best decrease of loading time
Alternative for this component
There is also a commercial component from one of the most knowledgeable people on letting you Joomla site perform better The Joomla Performance Booster which cost $ 39,00 and comes with full support.
So if you need first class commercial support this one is a good choice..
And yes, I have all my wesbites and that of my customers now on this Extra Cache Component…
A new must have for your website.
You can Download the component from the IrcMaxell Download section !!
There are also some plugins specific for some other components like JomComment and JoomlaBoard if you use that..
David Peyton says
Hi there,
Thanks for this helpful information. Do you know how to replace the “Powered By Page_Cache by Ircmaxell� with the page cache image (http://www.ircmaxell.com/images/page-cache.png)?
Many thanks,
Pathos.Seo says
Hello David..
Quoting my answer form seo4joomla.wordpress.com:
” Yes I do…..
First option is to send IrcMaxell a donation of 10 Dollar for his work and he will send you the license code that removes the text.
Second.. dive into the code and Find it yourself, its not that hard to find if you make the Effort.
But I am not giving the solution on some Blog of Forum, because I think Ircmaxwell deservers more respect than that for his work.
If he wanted it to be easy, he would have posted the solution on his website….
I have two websites on Joomla SEO where I leave the Line just to help out people who want the best performance for there Joomla based websites.
But as said in the post, you are free to find the code and take it away. ”
Again… Happy Hunting
Pathos.Seo says
You probably used a Download manager.
Try just to save the file via the normal explorer link, save as… that keeps the package file intact to .tar
abu bakar says
i’ve download the component…but why the file extension change from .tar into .htm? where i can find the real file which allow me to install the component.. i’ve already done for above step..
Nikki says
I followed the instructions and ended up with a 500 error….My backend or front end won’t work. I made copies of the files you suggested, and revived them once I was getting the error. But, I’m still getting the error. If there are any suggestions you can make to help, I would greatly appreciate it!!!
Thank you!!
Pathos says
@Nikki, the problem with your website is that there is no connection to the database server.
Please contact your provider to make sure the MySql server part is restarted.
This problem is no related to my knowledge to the Cache Component.
Looks more like a strange coincidence.
David Towers says
Any news of a similar extension for Jomla 1.5?
David Towers says
Oh here is the answer:
software_developer says
You can also check Typo3, Joomla!, and Drupal CMSs performance testing results:
hummerbie says
@Software developer: Nice test, but as you might have read, this post is about using Cache and Cache components.
Your test shows that Drupal performs better than Joomla and Typo3, but with no Cache active.
You state that Joomla does not have a Cache function standard, but it does! You can set it in the Global configuration.
As you look at Dries comparison, Drupal with Cache will outperform Joomla to an even greater extend.
For a standard Joomla running website, the performance component will bring better performance.
hummerbie says
@may: Please set them back to 604 (the middle 0 is for write access for apache uers groups) for some more tips and best practices for Joomla read my post http://blog.hummerbie.com/joomla-156-security-f…
may says
Thanks for your nice and useful topic and explanations. There is one thing I want to ask: First we changed the chmods to 777, but now do we have to keep them at 777 or should we change them back to 644?? When they're 777 like right now, is my web site and are my those files in security??
thnkas a lot
Chuck says
Does this help out at all?
hummerbie says
@Chuck , I would have to test it on one of my new sites, al though I always use caching.
I would advice you to write down the things you changed in the files, because I really don't like downloading / hacking core files that don't come the original Joomla! site or a site like Joomlatwork.com… just to be on the secure sfe site you will understand that I think.
Detroit PPC Management says
I’ve tried the IRCmaxel Page cache but that some functionality and is not so fast as using the Joomlatwork cache engine in raw mode. No more SQL issues with high user load. This component saved my Job!