The next thing we want to look at are the Images options in the search engines, and although I explained this some time ago in Working with Images for SEO�there are still some things to look at.
Because with most content management systems the image directory is blocked by the robots.txt file to prevent the search engines to crawl and index those files….
Open it up, remove that block! It will give you more traffic and especially if you have a website that is heavily loaded with pictures you will see that the visitors start looking for more on your site.
One thing�that even the largest websites seem to forget that Images can help you get relevant visitors.
Naming your images and using alt / title tags is not “advanced” is Matt Cutts will explain in the video below, it should be your standard!
You can look even at big websites�and find them using very well named product images link 12456789.jpg … and sometimes even without a proper alt tag.
But one point of warning here, don't go overboard with the tags, just give a short description of the picture in that alt tag, no more, no less!
Looking for a Mercedes C Class Car? for example!
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