I have been following the Stompernet guys for some weeks now, as they are moving into the next Stompernet teachings.
Just have a look at Stompernet Going Natural 3 but you have to leave your name and email address to get to the real goodies.
Inside you will find some great videos from guys who really know there business.
Here are some of the video titles:
- ClickFu & the LOST video
- AdWords Triangulation Method
- Keyword Research
- Stomper Site Seer Introduction
- Stomper Site Seer How To
- Member Case studies
- en some more…
But make sure you got some time on your hands, because most of the video's are about 30 Minutes and bring some great tips.
My Favorite is the one from Keyword research.
The Site Seer Tool
Looking at the tool that they provide, you can get even better keywords targeted to your website.
Using the tool is simpel, just fill in your website URL and two times your email address and the link to the full report is mailed to you.e report shows in one of the fields " How Google sees your site" and that will bring some great information.
It shows you the main keywords that Google thinks what your website is about, but you can click on these words to get even more related keywords.In my case it showed me that one site was not on the keywords I wanted to target, but another one was spot on.
Further looking at the first site I found what was wrong so I can improve it.Please be aware that you can only get 5 reports within 24 hours, so take your main sites first.
There is other software like IBP SEO that can do a website analysis like the Site Seer tool, but they compare your site to the top ten websites for you keyword.
And I must say it is a great tool that I frequently use.
But the above mentioned Site Seer report part shows you if your Website theme is setup right.
Now the new Stompernet is open, but still out of my reach with a Membership price of " Just" $797,00 per month, but it seems that it is well worth the money.
For now, I just have to settle for the free video´s and the tool, but that is really great offer to start with.
One more thing you have to look at once you have access to the free video´s is the way they have set this up over a short period of time, using the the AIDA formula to get people to want to sign up before the deal was on-line.
They get your Attention with the first video, build Interest with the full range of following video's, got you to Desire for more with the tool, and set you up for the Action to sign up for the full package…
The video's are really master pieces of soft selling the deal, something to keep in mind for your next product launch.
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