Joomla is becoming more and more a valid Blogging platform, although it is not as specific for Blogging as WordPress, you can have a blog on your Joomla website.
Advantage of Blogging with Joomla:
- Integration of Blog into your main website
- Easy editing of articles
- Lots of components to help you with your blog
- Just oné system to use for your website
Disadvantage of Blogging with Joomla:
- No easy way to track back links
- You need an extra component for proper RSS Feeds
- You need an extra component for Comments
The information you find here is mostly focused on Joomla 1.0.x at this moment, although I will show you the Joomla 1.5.x way if there is an component for that task all ready.
Some of the Information you will find here I already published on my WordPress blog Joomla Blog Building
But on this website I have more freedom to provide you with more information about these topics and related items.
I will however will give you also information about commercial components that can make your Joomla based Blog even better than with free components.
So, lets get started… setting up the content structure for your Joomla Blog.